Prayer for you for healing und inner peace

For you

I wish you nourishment
and healing for the soul.

I wish you a warming sweater,
that embraces you and wraps you in comfort.

I wish you a treat
that will make your eyes shine and your tongue dance,
until it fills your belly.

I wish you a call
that first surprises and then delights you:
Someone is thinking of you, praying for you, loving you.

I wish you a ray of sunshine
that boldly and freely
comes through the clouds and whispers to you:
You are held.
You are safe.
You are valued.
Your heavenly Father loves you.

Marie Krüerke

You can use my prayers by referring to me in your smallgroups, services or devotions. Please use them only in a private, non commercial manner, thank you.
God bless you!

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